‘I’m working on Canelo and Crawford’: Alalshikh talks grand plans for upcoming fight cards

‘I’m working on Canelo and Crawford’: Alalshikh talks grand plans for upcoming fight cards

During an extensive interview with Ariel Helwani, Turki Alalshikh shared his grand plans for the world of boxing, discussing potential fights he is either currently working on or would like to arrange. Here are some key highlights from the conversation.

Alalshikh revealed his vision for his next major boxing event, stating, “I have an idea to create a huge event that the world will soon witness…I’m being completely transparent with you, I am in the process of working on a card featuring Canelo and Crawford, and I am eager for this fight to happen. We are considering holding it in America to ensure its grandeur, in the largest stadium with a significant pay-per-view audience. We are aiming for a late-year or early-year start.”

Expressing frustration with potential obstacles, Alalshikh added, “I hope no one impedes our efforts, whether it be promoters or sanctioning bodies, because ultimately, if we want something, we will make it happen…I am perplexed and upset by the IBF’s repeated imposition of mandatories on Canelo at short notice. This has happened to us thrice now, and we fail to comprehend the rationale behind it, especially coming from the IBF. I hope they grasp the significance of this message, as we do not want fighters relinquishing their titles when it is unnecessary.”

Discussing his dream matchups in boxing, Alalshikh envisioned epic battles such as Tyson versus Joshua, Canelo against Crawford, Benavidez facing Bivol or Artur, and a strategic bout between Davis and Inoue, provided they align in weight class. Addressing the fighters directly, he emphasized, “If Davis and Inoue can meet the weight requirements and present a compelling proposal, we are prepared to facilitate these matchups. This is my message to both fighters.”

Alalshikh also urged promoters like Honda and Inoue to showcase the talent of Inoue on a global scale, beyond Japan. He stated, “He is a phenomenal fighter, and it would be a disservice if his fights are limited to Japan. Let the world witness his greatness by hosting fights in Saudi Arabia, America, London, and we are open to discussions. It would be regrettable if he retires with the majority of his fights confined to Japan.”

In essence, Alalshikh’s interview with Helwani illustrated his ambitious plans for the sport of boxing, emphasizing his commitment to organizing major events and facilitating dream matchups on an international stage.

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