Dubois Poses a Real Threat to Joshua’s Rejuvenation

Dubois Poses a Real Threat to Joshua’s Rejuvenation

Adam Smith, formerly of Sky, reveals that he witnessed Anthony Joshua and Daniel Dubois spar during their time at Team GB, and he was impressed by their skill.

Smith acknowledges Joshua’s recent victories against Francis Ngannou, Otto Wallin, Robert Helenius, and Jermaine Franklin. However, he emphasizes that Joshua has yet to face someone of Dubois’ caliber.

In the past, Joshua faced two defeats against Oleksandr Usyk, prompting a strategic lineup of opponents to boost his confidence and show progress in his career. His recent success has been attributed to his trainer, Ben Davison, but Smith believes Joshua would have won those fights regardless of the coach.

Despite the hype surrounding Joshua’s recent wins, his upcoming bout against Dubois in September will be a true test of his abilities. Dubois, the IBF interim heavyweight champion, is in negotiations to face Joshua at Wembley Stadium.

Smith highlights Dubois’ recent victory over Filip Hrgovic and notes that Dubois has evolved since his sparring days with Joshua. At 26, Dubois is nearing his prime, and his performance against Hrgovic showcased his potential to challenge Joshua.

Looking ahead to the fight, Smith suggests that Dubois’ aggressive style and youth may pose a challenge for Joshua, who has struggled with pressure and pace in the past. If Dubois can maintain a fast tempo and apply relentless pressure, Joshua may struggle to keep up.

In contrast to Joshua’s recent opponents, who are perceived as lower-level competitors, Dubois represents a significant challenge for the former heavyweight champion. Smith criticizes the matchmaking that has favored Joshua and questions the caliber of his previous wins.

Smith predicts a tough fight for Joshua against Dubois, emphasizing the latter’s determination and skill set. The outcome of the upcoming match could reveal whether Joshua has truly improved since his losses to Usyk.

In conclusion, Smith hints at the possibility of Joshua returning to face lesser opponents if he loses to Dubois. The fight will be a pivotal moment in Joshua’s career, determining his path in the heavyweight division.

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